Mosque of the Red Death

August 2, 2010



It would appear that the erection of a mosque—excuse me, a “community center”—near Ground Zero is all but a done deal, and don’t we all feel warm and fuzzy about how tolerant we are?? I understand the slippery slope in denying someone’s rights based on their religion, but I have to wonder when the United States is going to start playing to win. When a fundamental precept of your religion is to subjugate women and kill infidels—that is anyone who doesn’t agree with you—I’m not so sure you deserve protection under the law. And yes, I think all religions are for hypocrites and the feeble-minded, but why is it the United States that has to bend over backwards and capitulate EVERY time? It’s always we that have to demonstrate tolerance and sensitivity, while Muslims and their apologists aren’t expected to show any sensitivity to the families of the dead.


In the days after 9/11, there was a bunch of puffery about building a skyscraper 1776 feet in height to demonstrate that we wouldn’t let the terrorists win. Nine years later a mosque is to be built at the site where Muslim extremists killed thousands of Americans. This country is on the verge of politically correcting itself right out of existence; common sense has all but vanished. In another generation, we’ll all be speaking Arabic and Spanish, because let’s face it…immigrants no longer come to America to embrace us, but to exploit us.

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