Senator from Connecticut is Microcosm of Congress–DODDering Old Fools

March 18, 2009



The ink was barely dry on my posting from this morning when the silver-haired old whore from Connecticut I had taken to task retreated from his sanctimonious position about AIG bonuses, and did a 180 degree turnabout. After spending all day Tuesday blustering feigned outrage at AIG, Christopher Dodd reversed course today and admitted that he not only was complicit in the bonus shenanigans, but was actually responsible for the language attached to the federal stimulus bill which allowed the incompetents at AIG to gorge at the public trough.


I honestly don’t understand where these vipers get the stones to show their faces. They have absolutely NO SHAME!!! Most people when caught in a lie at least have a smattering of contrition and the good sense to lay low for a while. But Dodd has been lying, cheating, and stealing for so long, he simply doesn’t possess any mechanism within him for turning off the switch.


My question is…when are we going to tell the pious members of our beloved Congress that they shouldn’t be accepting their salaries for their mind-blowing ineptitude? It’s one thing to be useless, we expect that from those self-serving clowns. But at the very least our Congressmen should heed the basic tenet of medicine that says, “First, do no harm.”

Sadly, that ship has already sailed, and only the rich and privileged have life jackets.