October 5, 2019

And this guy wants to be our president? After watching Joe Biden’s sputtering, unhinged lash-out at a reporter for asking a simple question, it’s painfully obvious that this demented and corrupt geriatric has no place near any halls of power.
The former vice president went absolutely off the rails on Friday when the doddering political lifer was asked about the shady dealings he and his cokehead son have had with Ukraine and China. Joe’s ne’er-do-well son, Hunter, armed with nothing more than a resume of several drug arrests, expulsion from the Navy for cocaine use, and an aptitude for banging his dead brother’s wife, apparently received millions from the aforementioned countries for his expertise in…well, no one really knows.

The reporter merely made a query about the optically bad, if not outright criminal, conflict of interest in the pair’s business dealings, and Gropin’ Joe jumped on him as he might jump on a 10-year old girl visiting the White House.
“It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest, in Ukraine or anywhere else. Period,” Biden snarled as he jabbed his finger and gesticulated at the offending newsman, blithely nescient of the video below that shows him bragging about how he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into backing off an investigation into his malfeasance. Then, of course, he pivoted the conversation and started railing about Donald Trump. Pot…meet kettle.
Now Geriatric Joe has spent a lifetime sucking off the public teat and fending off allegations of serial corruption, plagiarism, and unwanted sexual advances, but it appears his biggest debility is his glass jaw and thin skin. The man who boldly brandished a chain to scare off gang leader “Corn Pop”, the man who brags regularly about his street cred toughness, and has boasted how if he were in high school he would take Donald Trump “behind the gym,” can’t even field one simple question from a pencil-necked scribe without caterwauling like a petulant child.
Now can you imagine what this wimp would do if his fawning acolytes in the mainstream media did to him for five minutes what they’ve done to Trump for the last three years? Imagine if he had to parry the non-stop attacks that Trump has had to endure on his family, his business dealings, his friends and associates, his taxes, his personal appearance, his every word and movement. Joe wouldn’t survive 30 seconds. He’s all bluster and tough talk–no substance and no action. Mostly he’s an unethical, rotten to the core charlatan who has been utterly bought and paid for.