Quid Pro Joe becomes Little Bitch Biden

October 5, 2019

A lifelong criminal spluttering a weak defense

And this guy wants to be our president?  After watching Joe Biden’s sputtering, unhinged lash-out at a reporter for asking a simple question, it’s painfully obvious that this demented and corrupt geriatric has no place near any halls of power.

The former vice president went absolutely off the rails on Friday when the doddering political lifer was asked about the shady dealings he and his cokehead son have had with Ukraine and China.  Joe’s ne’er-do-well son, Hunter, armed with nothing more than a resume of several drug arrests, expulsion from the Navy for cocaine use, and an aptitude for banging his dead brother’s wife, apparently received millions from the aforementioned countries for his expertise in…well, no one really knows.

Look, dad, a coke dealer!

The reporter merely made a query about the optically bad, if not outright criminal, conflict of interest in the pair’s business dealings, and Gropin’ Joe jumped on him as he might jump on a 10-year old girl visiting the White House.

“It’s not a conflict of interest. There’s been no indication of any conflict of interest, in Ukraine or anywhere else. Period,” Biden snarled as he jabbed his finger and gesticulated at the offending newsman, blithely nescient of the video below that shows him bragging about how he strong-armed the Ukrainian government into backing off an investigation into his malfeasance.  Then, of course, he pivoted the conversation and started railing about Donald Trump.  Pot…meet kettle.

Now Geriatric Joe has spent a lifetime sucking off the public teat and fending off allegations of serial corruption, plagiarism, and unwanted sexual advances, but it appears his biggest debility is his glass jaw and thin skin.  The man who boldly brandished a chain to scare off gang leader “Corn Pop”, the man who brags regularly about his street cred toughness, and has boasted how if he were in high school he would take Donald Trump “behind the gym,” can’t even field one simple question from a pencil-necked scribe without caterwauling like a petulant child.

Now can you imagine what this wimp would do if his fawning acolytes in the mainstream media did to him for five minutes what they’ve done to Trump for the last three years?  Imagine if he had to parry the non-stop attacks that Trump has had to endure on his family, his business dealings, his friends and associates, his taxes, his personal appearance, his every word and movement.  Joe wouldn’t survive 30 seconds.  He’s all bluster and tough talk–no substance and no action.  Mostly he’s an unethical, rotten to the core charlatan who has been utterly bought and paid for.

Daily Musings on the Wacko Left

September 24, 2019

As the left’s constant hand-wringing and hectoring about climate change begins to fall more and more on deaf ears, the amoral savages in charge of the movement have done what the left always does: they sink into the primordial swamp. This time it’s by enlisting petulant little scold Greta Thunberg to do their bidding. This dead-eyed little freak, with mental instabilities too numerous to list here, has been used–terrified and coerced into doing the left’s business by shrieking at a bunch of UN patsies about how she’d like to change the world. It’s yet another sign of the apocalypse, but merely business as usual for the left. Only they would cede control of such a momentous issue to a 16-year old who upon reaching high school will surely be voted “Most Likely To Shoot Up a Schoolyard.” An utterly chilling vacant stare–the ultimate liberal.

Eco Stepford
An Elizabeth Warren in the Making





Meanwhile, back at the ranch and on the very same day, while the liberal, loudmouth, do-nothing Democrats in Sacramento were flapping their gums, a “conservative activist” was rolling up his sleeves and doing some actual work. Scott Presler took a team of volunteers to Los Angeles’ skid row and removed 50 tons of filth and garbage off the streets. Take a look at this before and after video of his work.


It takes a Trump-loving conservative to clean up in one day what all the douchebag celebrity liberals and holier than thou assholes have never even attempted to do. It just goes to show the clean-up can easily be accomplished in other Democratic shithole cities (Presler has performed this work in Baltimore and other cities as well) if only the liberals would get off their asses instead of braying mindless platitudes about homelessness and flogging Donald Trump 24/7.

Alas, as the story always goes, whatever good a conservative does is bound to be undone by the scumbags on the left. While Presler was fighting the good fight, the eco ankle-biters skipping school to scream at the sky about climate change were leaving trash in their wake.

NYC Woke–Too Stupid To See The Irony
Detritus from anti-corporate “environmentalists.” Starbucks, anyone?











  • Because no day is complete without some good ol’ #MeToo, let’s check in on Hollywood, where serial sexual predator Andy Dick is fending off criminal charges for the most recent of his innumerable crotch grabs. Seems an unsuspecting Uber driver found the asshole’s hand in her lap and wasn’t too happy that he was clamming without a license.  Andy will get nothing but a slap on said hand because the rich and famous seem to get away with anything, and this beanpole scuzzbag has a complicit Hollywood that preaches incessantly, but continues to give him work. We are, after all, talking about a town that gives standing ovations to convicted rapists like Roman Polanski and lionizes fine human beings like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

But if old Andy wants to keep putting his hands where they don’t belong, he’d better learn to keep those hands up first. Relish this feel-good video of New Orleans resident David Hale landing a haymaker to the comedian’s melon, delivered from a windup that would make Juan Marichal envious.  Seems they don’t take kindly to having their sacks pawed down in the Bayou!  Welcome to the real world, Andy! 


Marichal shows how to throw a punch








  • And while we’re on the subject, here are a couple of beauties widely known for their championing of survivors and women’s causes.             
Hillary and Democratic mega-donor and sexual deviant Ed Buck who was arrested this month for murdering a gay lover.  Two men have died in Buck’s house in the last two years
Liberal Royalty














She cares about women
A cunt and a Weiner
26 times on the “Lolita Express”



















  • And finally from the “there but for the grace of Trump” files


A circus clown under the tent
(daily mail)


The Face Not Even a Mother Could Love

February 3, 2019


kathy-griffinKathy Griffin (courtesy of Faces of Death)

Take a look at this face!!  Now if that’s what was looking back at you in the mirror every morning, wouldn’t you be angry and unhinged every day, too?  That mug is one-stop shopping for bulimics!!  What really sends ol’ Kathy over the edge though is that she knows she’s far uglier on the inside.  MAGA!!!!!

And Just Why Does James Comey Warrant a Motorcade?

May 9, 2017


Donald, I LOVE YOU!!!  Just when you start to lose me with your feeble health insurance bill and your budget capitulation on The Wall, you go to your long suit and make Democratic/Progressive heads explode!!!  The Donald’s firing of James Comey was long overdue—the former FBI Director is an egotistical, waffling, and incompetent Washington hack whose list of failures and oversights is long–but if I’d had any idea how the Left would foam at the mouth and wet their pants, I would have stocked up on popcorn days ago and settled into my recliner to watch the show.

Surfing the cable landscape was never so much fun as it was tonight watching Lawrence O’Donnell pull the strings of his dour and predictable guests who gasped that Comey’s dismissal signaled the end of the Union.  And it was sheer delight watching Muff Dive Maddow take shots at the only President who has ever had the nuts to bypass the dead in the water mainstream media and fight back on his own terms.  Never mind that for months Democrats have been calling for Comey’s head because, after all, it was he that caused Coattails Hillary to burp up the biggest slam dunk of all elections. Tonight, it was scandalous that Comey was given the heave-ho, presumably at the behest of Vladimir Putin, or birthers, or deplorables, or racists, or fascists, or whoever happens to be currently hiding under the beds of the left-wing scum infesting our nation.

O’Donnell employed dreary Neera Tanden to lament this broadside on our Constitution, while David Frum, who will probably change his mind tomorrow on this highly warranted firing, opined that this “was an attack on the integrity—not just of law enforcement—but of our defense against a foreign cyberattack on the processes of American democracy.”  WHEW!!  Got all that?  Good thing Frum was at happy hour when Hillary was selling off our uranium assets to the Russians for a cool $145 million and Obama was telling former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, “This is my last election…after my election, I’ll have more flexibility.”  Russian ties, indeed!

O’Donnell, for his part, knew the Comey firing was serious potatoes when he learned that “Camera Time” Chuck Schumer called it a Trump cover-up and was insisting that all members of the Senate be seated tomorrow morning at 9 am for what we can only guess will be another auto-erotic Schumer grandstanding.  After all, there must be momentous work to be done if the liars and thieves that do our country’s business are actually supposed to show up to work on time.  Momentous enough that even Brian Williams came home from his rigorous combat duty to lambaste the President.

So troubling was Comey’s dismissal that the various networks and cable outlets zeroed in on the erstwhile director as he rode a heavy motorcade down the Los Angeles freeways and then left LAX on a private plane.  None of the crack journalists, who stand up for the little guy, after all, bothered to speculate on why an FBI director warrants a full motorcade and a private jet.  Then again, they haven’t lost a lot of sleep over their savior Obama chalking up a $400,000 windfall for a speech to the Wall Street “fat cats” he spent eight years demonizing, or another $30,000 A MINUTE (that’s $3 million) for 100 minutes of sermonizing in Italy last week.  It’s 1789 France all over again with the gulf between the haves and the have-nots widening by the day as our mainstream media pretends to care while looking the other way and tilting at windmills involving Russian boogeymen, transgender bathrooms, and Play-doh at exam time for our effete millennials.

Keep a drainin’ the swamp, Donald!!

Obama–The Stink That Just Won’t Go Away

December 14, 2016


Like a turd circling the bowl, only far more odorous, President Obama is using his last vestige of relevance traipsing about the country trying to delegitimize Donald Trump’s election and getting his final kicks in on the country he has spent the last eight years criticizing and running into the ground.  This is the perfect bookend to the apology tour with which Obama opened his feckless presidency, and a fitting coda for a man whose strongest attributes were always his ability to whine, blame others, and make everything a racial issue.

Alas, even the most stubborn excrement is eventually washed off the back of the bowl, and that is precisely what is happening to Obama as he and his legacy are soon to be flushed, trounced at the polls and utterly repudiated by the people who, you know, actually work for a living.  That Trump is the one doing the flushing has the lame duck and his crybaby followers apoplectic.  It’s beautiful to watch!

Obama’s latest broadside against the people he is supposed to represent was on florid display during his interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show where our constituency-hating president intoned that the US has, “by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism.”  This comes as no surprise from a president who has spent his entire tenure fomenting division where there once was none, assailing law enforcement, and empowering racist hate groups like Black Lives Matter.

Obama, like most Democrats, is adept at pointing the finger everywhere but at himself, but the irony surely can’t be lost on anyone that five weeks after the election the progressive losers still aren’t able to figure out why they lost.  Obama and Noah, a couple of haughty navel-gazers, neither born in the US, spent the entire interview stroking their chins and dumping on the country kind enough to take them in, oblivious that we the people have tired of the left’s race-baiting, PC culture, and absolute intolerance toward any who don’t bray the party message.

But rest well, folks.  In 37 days, the pestilence that is Obama and the Democrats will be expunged from the Oval Office and, at last, our long national nightmare will be over.  And won’t it be nice to see someone running the country who, you know, actually likes the country and its people?

Whiners Gonna Whine

November 14, 2016


As the incessant whining from the left continues after Tuesday’s election, I took particular notice of John Oliver’s half-hour long screed against President-elect Donald Trump on the former’s eponymous Last Week Tonight.  A mere year and a half after he begged Trump to run for the presidency (because he and his ilk, in all their smugness, were CERTAIN he couldn’t win against that stalwart with nothing but a vagina and a bad pantsuit to recommend her)


he is now reduced to prattling about how evil and out of touch Trump and his followers are.

After how poorly he and the other media know-nothings assessed the mood of the country (our country, by the way, not yours, John), Oliver and his fellow crybabies continue to denigrate and malign the basket of deplorables who have finally had enough of the lies, condescension, and outright criminality of the “enlightened” left.

If a Brit were to hold a symposium on bad teeth, we would certainly all sit up and take notice, but beyond that, no one much cares what John Oliver has to say about anything anymore.  The liberal press and their sycophantic celebrity toadies have been exposed, through Wikileaks and Project Veritas, as backroom operators and manipulators, disseminators of all the lies and half-truths that are fit to print.  The New York Times, who long ago coughed up any semblance of integrity, has magnanimously acquiesced to, at long last after being utterly exposed, REPORT THE NEWS FAIRLY!!!  Imagine one of the top newspapers in the country having to relent to honest journalism.  Simply incredible, but I remain incredulous…I don’t think they can pull it off!

Oliver represents all the left-wing social justice warriors who, by tacit admission in his harangue, didn’t care a whit about the country but only wanted to showcase their liberal credentials by voting for the first woman as president (personally, I think the jury is still out as to whether that soulless viper is a woman–her rapist husband certainly doesn’t want to bang it).  Oliver rambles all the usual discourse from the left about Trump being a racist and being supported by the Ku Klux Klan, conveniently forgetting that Hillary regularly called Robert Byrd a mentor.  Byrd, of course, was a lifelong shitstain on US politics, serving for 57 years in Congress, campaigning against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and delivering such warm, unifying statements like, “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”  And here is another shining moment from HRC’s hero:


This cretin voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas as Supreme Court justices, but to Hillary, he was a voice of reason and edification-a man of “surpassing eloquence and nobility” by her own words upon the man’s death.

I must admit I couldn’t listen to the entire Oliver discourse, as I had a pressing engagement to watch paint dry, but I’m confident that Oliver ascribed to Trump all the qualities that Hillary has promulgated throughout her scandalous and mean-spirited traipse through public life.  Oliver, who like his erstwhile countrymen couldn’t see the presage of revolution in 1776 or mere months ago during the Brexit vote, now can babble forever to a dwindling audience which has grown tired and dismissive of the mendacious modus operandi of the left.


Like A Virgin?? Hardly!

October 20, 2016

So foul-mouthed slut and perennial skank Madonna has injected herself into this tawdry presidential election by announcing during a Madison Square Garden event that, “If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blowjob.”  “And I’m good,” the 58-year old has-been continued, “I’m not a tool.  I take my time.”  Perhaps not enough time to do it right, however, as the slatternly strumpet has been unable to hold on to two husbands and has been ditched more times than a poor driver on icy roads.  Nevertheless, one can almost hear Hillary’s lecherous pedophile husband gleefully revving up the jet engines for the Garden at the prospect of a whore like Madonna entering the Clinton camp—“Stronger Together,” indeed.

Since Hillary long ago abdicated conjugal relations with Slick Willy to White House interns and underage girls, she no doubt welcomes someone as vile as she to service the withering, amoral ex-president.  This frees her to spend more time muff-diving Huma Abedin, who has her own hands full trying to distance herself from Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner, her repugnant ex-congressman husband who is currently trying to parry criminal charges for sexting underage girls (do you see a theme here?) with his infant child present.  They’re a real bunch of class acts these degenerate Democrats who have spent the last two weeks feigning indignation that Donald Trump engaged in locker room badinage eleven years ago during a private conversation.

But, alas, Slick Willy may be disappointed to discover that Democrats don’t keep their promises, so the infelicitously named Madonna may not be guzzling the ex-prez’s AIDS-infected jizz after all.  No word yet on if Michelle Obama has been shaken to her core.

Let’s Get Ready To Rumble

September 26, 2016



Well the first punches have been thrown in the series of three debates between Hillary and Donald, and I would have to call it Hillary by split decision.  Sadly, it didn’t have to be so.  The Donald had her on the ropes early, but failed to deliver the knockout punch that would have easily landed on her corrupt and exposed chin.

In the first half of the debate, Trump managed to corner Clinton on issues from her continuing e-mail saga to her numerous miserable failures on matters of state, to hers and Obama’s disastrous economic policies.  He sounded in control, reasonable, and possessed of a firm grasp of the facts.  Hillary’s mask-like and reptilian attempt at a smile betrayed how uncomfortable she was in the crosshairs, but then Trump began spewing repeated inanities that never hit home.

When Clinton mentioned a federal discrimination lawsuit that was brought against one of Trump’s rental properties in the early 70’s, Trump parried well initially by noting that several other entities were named in the suit, and that he settled without admitting guilt.  But this would have been a perfect moment to say, “Yes, a lawsuit was brought because not all of us have the FBI and the DOJ in our pockets.  Not all of us can have the Director of the FBI stand in front of the cameras for 20 minutes on July 5th detailing lie after lie, and malfeasance after malfeasance, and then refuse to indict.”  It was a perfect opportunity, but he allowed Hillary to get back to her corner unscathed.

When Hillary tried to tar Trump as sympathetic to Russia because of his implied relationship with Vladimir Putin, Trump should have said it was she who pressed the comically failed “reset button.”  When she mentioned Russian hackers, Trump should have pointed out that it was she who exposed government secrets with a private and illegal server, but he failed to thrust.

Clinton came off the ropes to land a few jabs when she mentioned Trump’s vague and nebulous position at the advent of the Iraq War, but The Donald counter-punched by rightly averring that it was her and Obama’s leadership that created the vacuum that birthed ISIS.  However, he had the perfect opening to mention how Obama referred to the terror outfit as the JV team, but he neglected to do so.  Debates such as these are always remembered in sound bites, and JV team would have gone a long way to attaching Clinton irredeemably to the savages that she helped create with feckless policy positions in Libya, Syria, and Iraq.  Trump also should have said that regardless of his positions on any of it, he was not the one in charge at the time, and his opinions at that time were not at all relevant.

As Clinton started waxing about the importance of working with Muslim countries to help defeat terrorism, Trump could have said Clinton would know all about working with Muslim countries as her Clinton Foundation has been taking money from them for years.  Is it a pay for play, or simply that she likes to consort with countries that subjugate, oppress, rape, and kill women, gays, Christians, and Muslim apostates—the very groups she purports to love and support?  Again, Clinton managed to rope-a-dope away from any serious Trump blows.

Finally, Clinton, in full hypocritical bloom, played the gender card, implying Trump was a name-calling misogynist.  Donald hinted that he wanted to say something, but he took the high road when he should have mentioned the elephant in the room.  He needed to speak of Hillary’s philandering, rapist, pedophile husband.  He needed to let the millennials know that while she talks a big game as a feminist, she was the point man (I know…the word point man is sexist!) in Slick Willy’s “bimbo patrol,” assailing and ruining the lives of that pig’s many accusers.  Alas, Trump beat the same drum ad nauseum about his myriad business successes, instead of going for the jugular.

Trump has to tread a fine line.  The pundits keep saying he has to come across as presidential, but he’s gotten this far by being himself and going on the attack.  In the next debate, he needs to work from body blows to attacking the head.  God knows with that sow’s obvious neurological issues, a head blow could put her on the canvas.

Can We Finally Be Rid of This Treasonous Moron?

June 14, 2016

So a man with no balls gets some criticism from a man who has them aplenty, and, of course, the response is to be the petty, thin-skinned, and ineffectual empty suit that he’s been for the last eight years.  President Obama did today what he does best—vented against Donald Trump for telling the truth–and put on full display what a feckless and dangerous president he is.

Trump finally got under his and Hillary’s skin and forced them both to capitulate and utter the OH MY GOSH dreaded words “Islamic Terrorism.”  Hey, Barack HUSSEIN, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck!!  Obama’s intractable refusal to use the phrase “Islamic Terrorism” is a window to his utterly clueless soul where the Ft. Hood massacre is deemed workplace violence and the recent shootings in Orlando are considered an attack on the LGBT community (pardon me if I missed a letter in the ever-expanding whiner community which considers everyone but white, hard-working male Americans to be a protected class in need of safe spaces) even as the shooter professed his support for ISIS throughout the massacre.  (Obama, of course, calls the enemy ISIL in another demonstration of his self-perceived erudition—ten will get you twenty he has no idea what the L stands for, he just knows that if the mass of Americans say ISIS, he’ll say ISIL.)

With today’s petulant outburst, Barack HUSSEIN has removed all doubt about who our next President should be, and trust me, it shouldn’t be wearing a Mao pantsuit and touting a vagina as its only selling point.  God forbid a continuation of the policies which have mired this country in the toilet bowl eddy from which I fear there is no escape.


Barack HUSSEIN posed a number of questions and made several pronouncements that I’ll address one by one.


  • In speaking of the words “Islamic Terrorism” Obama asked, “What exactly would using this label accomplish?”

Well, it would let your constituents know that you have the ability to connect some dots and that you want to start targeting the people responsible for the bloodshed instead of denigrating gun-owning Americans who simply want to protect themselves from the trash that you’re importing on a daily basis under the guise of compassion.  If someone asks me to jump into a pool of fish, I’d think it fairly important to know if those fish are sharks or guppies.  You can’t attack an enemy if you don’t sharpen your focus and aim at it.  It is not Jews committing these daily slaughters across the globe…it is not Christians and it’s not Buddhists, Hindus, or Taoists.  It’s Muslims!


  • “Since before I was president I’ve been clear about how extremist groups have perverted Islam to justify terrorism,” the sympathizer said.

Well the time has come to explore if there is a difference between “extremist” Muslims and “mainstream” Muslims.  This is a religion that marginalizes and kills gays, women, Jews, Christians, and infidels yet we’re supposed to be tolerant of them.  There are TEN Muslim countries where the penalty for homosexuality is death including Saudi Arabia where you famously groveled and bowed to King Abdullah during a trip on April 1, 2009 (I mention the date as it’s not lost on me that it was April Fool’s Day!).  Are we to infer that these ten countries aren’t mainstream?  That they are extremist?  Then maybe we shouldn’t be doing business with them and lifting their sanctions.  But you get after Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A, Mr. Prez.


  • Obama went on to say, “Not once has an advisor of mine said, ‘Man, if we use that phrase, we’re going to turn this whole thing around.’”

That’s because your advisors, including the Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, are as dim as you are and proudly belong to the agenda driven “Hate America First” crowd that you’ve consorted with your entire life.


  • “Does someone seriously think we don’t know who we’re fighting?”

Well apparently not since you keep denying the obvious and continue to embrace Syrian refugees and other unvetted immigrants that are at best a financial burden, and at worst, killers waiting to happen.  The FBI was suspicious of, and had two separate contacts with, the Orlando murderer, but political correctness prevented them from taking action to head off the carnage.  This was also the case with the San Bernardino killer whom neighbors accused of being suspicious, but who didn’t speak out lest they be called bigoted.  You, Barack HUSSEIN, have engendered a climate where people are more fearful of being called racists than identifying and eliminating the murderers in our midst.


  • Obama doubled down on his naivete (or outright hostility to the country—I honestly can’t tell anymore) by declaring that the Orlando, San Bernardino, and Ft. Hood killers were all American citizens.

This is classic political obfuscation of which he is the grand master.  They were,    indeed, citizens, but they shouldn’t have been—that’s the point.  All three killers   were second-generation citizens whose parents came to the United States from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the West Bank, respectively.  Do you see a commonality there, Barack HUSSEIN????  As Trump has suggested we need to start wising up and looking out for ourselves.  There are certain regions of the world whose people don’t like us, and whom we don’t need.  Look at Molenbeek, Paris, Cologne, and even Dearborn, Michigan.  Muslims who refuse to assimilate have taken over and they grow bolder by the day.  They’re not afraid to denounce Western values loudly and brazenly even in their new countries, but we need to walk on eggshells to make sure we don’t offend them.

Alas, our spineless president’s most recent hissy fit can’t even be attributed to a heartfelt or sincere motive since he has no convictions or moral center other than his personal left-wing agenda.  The political undertones were manifested by a gratuitous swipe at Donald Trump whom he derisively mocked for tweeting and appearing on cable news shows.  If it weren’t so dangerous it would be hilarious that this wannabe rock star of a president condemns someone else for appearing on television.  At least Trump has the courage to go to various media outlets and hostile territory to answer questions which are invariably meant to make him look bad, while Obama busies himself slow-jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon and patting himself on the back with his fawning liberal sycophants in Hollywood.


Finally the empty suit reveals the true enemy, the only enemy he has the fortitude to take on.  “Do Republican officials actually agree with this?” he asks in reference to the use of the words “Islamic Terrorism.”  No they don’t, Barack HUSSEIN, that’s why they were decimated in the primaries, steamrolled by a Donald Trump who received more votes than any Republican nominee in history.  He actually wants to put America and Americans first.  What a refreshing concept for a President!

Facts Out the Window When it Comes to Assaulting Trump

June 7, 2016



So here we are again—the entire corrupt and in-the-tank media, abetted by the lifelong feeding at the trough political establishment, is taking Donald Trump’s truths and using political correctness to try and portray them as falsehoods.

Trump is in hot water again for telling the truth, and we all know such a thing is no longer tolerated in a country besotted with political correctness, safe spaces, open borders, and fawning over illegals and other sundry thugs that would shout down anyone who disagrees with them.  The issue this time is Trump’s insistence that he cannot get a fair trial in his Trump University lawsuit because the sitting judge, Gonzalo Curiel, is of Mexican heritage.  All the America-haters, which include the current scum running our government in both parties, from the Paul Ryans to the Mitch McConnells to the Nancy Pelosis—concerned only with maintaining the status quo whereby they can loot and steal from the hard-working people—have denounced Trump as…wait for it…a RACIST!!!

Aside from the utterly unoriginal accusation—anyone to the right of Che Guevara is now denounced as racist—the charges are utterly baseless.

Let’s look at the facts:

1)  Curiel was born to Mexican parents

2)  He is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego which is a subset of the   La Raza Lawyers of California

3)  The La Raza group is and has been for years strongly engaged in the support of, and amnesty for, illegal Mexicans living in the USA

4)  Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, the law firm representing the plaintiffs in the class-action suit, has given Crooked Hillary and her rapist husband $675,000 in speaking fees since 2009

5)  Donald Trump has made illegal immigration his top priority as the Republican nominee, and has vowed to build a wall to stem the influx of illegal Mexicans.

So tell me why it is so improbable that Curiel might have some prejudice toward Trump and not be able to render an impartial and fair verdict.  One is always able to tell who the liar is by how much they have to twist the facts to suit their positions.  In this case, Trump has stated facts, and his foaming at the mouth opposition is in full spin mode trying to give Curiel a pass for his associations, which in and of themselves, could be deemed racist.

La Raza translates as “The Race,” and thus the name itself implies separation and the  desire of its members to disassociate from the very people whose country they have invaded.  All the Hillary acolytes and the ever-lying media are now busying themselves trying to say Curiel’s group has no link to the national La Raza movement, which is named the National Council of La Raza.  A few minutes of basic homework will easily dispel this lie.  If you go on the La Raza Lawyers webpage, you can find a link to the National Council of La Raza!!  But, of course, to hear the Trump haters tell it, there is no connection!  Additionally, the La Raza Lawyers website states, “The purpose and goal of this Association is to promote the interests of the Latino communities throughout the state and the professional interests of the membership.”

The group in recent years has, among other things, given scholarships to illegals, seen their former president co-chair Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and started riots at recent Trump rallies.  Imagine the hue and cry if a white judge were to belong to the White Lawyers of San Diego—there is no doubt the left would be screaming for blood and impugning the man’s ability to render a fair decision on any cases involving minorities.  Curiel’s heritage, by itself, has nothing at all to do with the current kerfuffle, but judges must maintain the appearance of impartiality, and belonging to a supremacist group that promotes one race over all others does not satisfy this mandate.

Are we not going to admit that this narrow interest of La Raza is in direct contravention of that which Trump is campaigning on?  Why then is it such a stretch that Trump would want Curiel to recuse himself from the case?  Why is it such a stretch that Curiel would make an unfavorable ruling for Trump based simply on personal feelings?

Indeed, let’s go back to the words of current Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor to understand the Us vs. Them mentality of most minorities.  “Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences,” Sotomayor said during a speech at UC Berkeley in 2001, “our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.”  She further went on to say, “I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of color we do a disservice both to the law and society.”  Sounds like judicial activism to me, and if she is capable of it, why wouldn’t Curiel be?

If recent years have shown us anything, it’s that courts, all the way up to the highest in the land, are merely political figureheads now.  From the absurd rulings and total disregard for the written word in the Affordable Care Act decisions to the outright crafting of law concerning same-sex marriage, courts are not to be trusted any longer.  They are peopled by human beings, susceptible to all manner of prejudice and bribery.

This is not to say that Curiel is dishonest or would make a prejudicial ruling, but to call Trump a racist for bringing the issue up is nothing more than political chicanery and deflection at its finest.