(Courtesy of Newsmax.com)
July 9, 2019
Like the tectonic plates shifting beneath the state of California—that can’t soon enough dump that shithole into the sea—the Basket of Lunatics vying to get dusted by Trump is ever-changing. Eric (I swallow) Swalwell finally saw the writing on the wall when at his last public appearance only 18 people showed up to see the smarmy, gun-grabbing douchebag whose only notoriety is shirking his elected duties to appear ad nauseam on television to spew his inanities. The man (and I use the term extremely loosely) who was only able to gain office after California rigged their primaries to eliminate Republicans, finally bowed out after a rigorous three month campaign LOL!!!
But fear not. Apparently the Democratic primary challenge is a zero-sum game because when one cynical, phony liberal exits the scene, another equally dim and mendacious scumbag takes his place. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Tom Steyer. Just as Bernie Sanders ran three years ago as the “outsider” who had been in Congress for 25 years, Steyer brings his own brand of hypocrisy to the table. Steyer is another asshole liberal who was born on third base but thinks he hit a triple, and has pledged to help the common man by “focusing on reducing the influence of corporations in politics.”

(Courtesy of Wattsupwiththat.com)
Like all the emperors with no clothes, Steyer IS the corporation influencing politics. This Yale and Stanford-educated moron started as a hedge fund manager and has worked for Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Where he really made his bones, however, was with Farallon Capital, a company he founded which invested heavily in coal-mining companies including Maules Creek, an Australian coal mine beset by corruption issues and pushback from Australian citizens opposed to the destruction of the forest and surrounding lands within which the mine is located. Those “unwoke” Aussies obviously didn’t get the memo that Steyer is a staunch environmentalist!!
So Steyer is going to run for president to dismantle the very system that allowed him to create the wealth to run for president, and he’ll also use his billions from the coal industry to sound the alarm on climate change. You can’t make this shit up!!

(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
And just because we can, let’s have a question of the day. Would you ever date a Democratic woman? Aside from being sued when you went in for your end-of-the-evening kiss, they’re all just whiny, unhappy, and shrill. Have a look here at Christine Pelosi. A Democratic stalwart like her bumbling, mumbling harpy of a mother, Pelosi here is the embodiment of the Democratic woman: ugly, frumpy, and stupid, right down to the requisite LGBTQFKICLODY wristband. Ugly, frumpy, and stupid is no way to go through life, Mrs. Blutarsky. It would be funny if it weren’t so desperate.