Steyer, Steyer, the Coal Mine Buyer

The Face You'd Love to Punch (Courtesy of
The Face You’d Love to Punch
(Courtesy of

July 9, 2019

Like the tectonic plates shifting beneath the state of California—that can’t soon enough dump that shithole into the sea—the Basket of Lunatics vying to get dusted by Trump is ever-changing.  Eric (I swallow) Swalwell finally saw the writing on the wall when at his last public appearance only 18 people showed up to see the smarmy, gun-grabbing douchebag whose only notoriety is shirking his elected duties to appear ad nauseam on television to spew his inanities.  The man (and I use the term extremely loosely) who was only able to gain office after California rigged their primaries to eliminate Republicans, finally bowed out after a rigorous three month campaign LOL!!!

But fear not.  Apparently the Democratic primary challenge is a zero-sum game because when one cynical, phony liberal exits the scene, another equally dim and mendacious scumbag takes his place.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Tom Steyer.  Just as Bernie Sanders ran three years ago as the “outsider” who had been in Congress for 25 years, Steyer brings his own brand of hypocrisy to the table.  Steyer is another asshole liberal who was born on third base but thinks he hit a triple, and has pledged to help the common man by “focusing on reducing the influence of corporations in politics.”

Another Douchebag Democrat Lecturing (Courtesy of
Another Douchebag Democrat Lecturing
(Courtesy of

Like all the emperors with no clothes, Steyer IS the corporation influencing politics.  This Yale and Stanford-educated moron started as a hedge fund manager and has worked for Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.  Where he really made his bones, however, was with Farallon Capital, a company he founded which invested heavily in coal-mining companies including Maules Creek, an Australian coal mine beset by corruption issues and pushback from Australian citizens opposed to the destruction of the forest and surrounding lands within which the mine is located.  Those “unwoke” Aussies obviously didn’t get the memo that Steyer is a staunch environmentalist!!

So Steyer is going to run for president to dismantle the very system that allowed him to create the wealth to run for president, and he’ll also use his billions from the coal industry to sound the alarm on climate change.  You can’t make this shit up!!

Christine Pelosi. Seriously, Can't We Do Better? (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
Christine Pelosi. Seriously, Can’t We Do Better?
(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

And just because we can, let’s have a question of the day.  Would you ever date a Democratic woman?  Aside from being sued when you went in for your end-of-the-evening kiss, they’re all just whiny, unhappy, and shrill.  Have a look here at Christine Pelosi.  A Democratic stalwart like her bumbling, mumbling harpy of a mother, Pelosi here is the embodiment of the Democratic woman:  ugly, frumpy, and stupid, right down to the requisite LGBTQFKICLODY wristband.  Ugly, frumpy, and stupid is no way to go through life, Mrs. Blutarsky.  It would be funny if it weren’t so desperate.

My Fellow Americans, Our Long National Nightmare is Over!

January 20, 2017


As Marine One soared into the sky this afternoon, so too did my spirits at the notion that the United States of America is now in the hands of a capable person who will put the country first and not pander to every low-rent, fringe group that wants to assault our traditions, take away our rights, and demand its own bathrooms.  Obama was whisked away, and has, at long last, taken his last free ride on the tax-payer funded transportation that he has so long abused, gallivanting about the palatial spreads of his well-heeled donors and flitting about the golf courses of our great country, all the while lecturing (my could he lecture!) the unwashed masses about their carbon footprints.

‘Tis a great day, indeed.  The most spiteful, vindictive, dishonest, divisive, condescending, and anti-American president we’ve ever had is now relegated to the dustbin of Oval Office failures.  History will probably treat him kindly as it is written largely by the mendacious left-wing media that drools over him–and believes that electing a first black, female, or transgender president is more important than actual ability–but the rest of us know better.

Obama spoke of hope and change, transforming the country, enacting Obamacare and carbon trade-offs, and welcoming third-world refugees that want to harm us, but those policies were in the process of being reversed even as the anointed one lifted off into the Washington, D.C. sky.  Obama’s real legacy was on full display mere blocks from where President Trump was being sworn in.  It was there that the unemployed crybabies, sore losers, snowflakes, racists, and rioters that were always Obama’s core constituency threw rocks at police, broke windows, vandalized cars, started fires, and channeled the sociopathic and violent behavior that their hateful savior always encouraged.  Behold the tolerance of the left!!

The vainglorious Obama, who did his level best to trip up Trump and kick over the Monopoly board with his petty, last-minute executive actions, is now gone, hopefully to never return in any meaningful way other than to serve as the yardstick for utter failure.

In some aspects, however, it was business as usual.  The lying left-wing media, most notably CNN and MSNBC, was still doing what it does best:  shilling for the Democrats and trying to piss on Trump’s parade.  CNN showed the rioters alongside a graphic that said, “The Inauguration of Donald Trump,” and “Protesters, Police Clash Blocks from Parade Route.”  The obvious and cheap attempt to conflate Trump with violence has fallen flat as everyone has seen with their own eyes which side always initiates the violence and vitriol.  One CNN talking head spoke of “civil disobedience,” clearly displaying, at once, not only his lack of journalistic integrity, but his ignorance of the meaning of the word “civil.”

Meanwhile, over at MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, and Brian Williams, still in the dark about the meaning of November’s election, denigrated large swaths of the American people and chortled about what they perceived to be Trump’s inability to manage the organization of the Republican convention or his own inaugural parade.  What they didn’t mention was that Trump swamped them at the polls.

Brian Williams huffed that the parade, which featured a small phalanx of tractors, was “part tractor pull”, a haughty and dismissive repudiation of the people who don’t lie about being shot at in combat, but instead roll up their sleeves and go to work every morning.  Matthews, as the Trump family walked onto the review stand, intoned that “They look like the Romanovs,” which spoken by anyone but an accredited left-wing loon would be deemed Russophobic and hateful by those exactly like Matthews.  I won’t give Matthews credit for being smart enough to make that reference as a nod to the  manufactured “Russian meddling” that Hillary and her bootlickers are using as their most recent excuse for her November ass-kicking.

Maddow continued her “Trump illegitimacy” campaign by noting that the new president is employing his son-in-law Jared Kushner as an adviser, in what Maddow perceives to be a violation of nepotism laws.  “Well he is a licensed real estate agent,” Maddow sneered in trying to malign Kushner’s lack of political experience.  She and her clueless ilk still don’t understand that political lifers are precisely the reason Trump won the election.  But the richest irony came from the fact that literally seconds before her Kushner smear, Maddow and her band of unmerry men were waxing rhapsodic about Democratic icon John Kennedy who—wait for it—hired his brother to be Attorney General!!

Ah, great days are ahead.  The country has been saved, at least for the moment, from the nasty, silence-the-opposition-at-any-cost Democrats, and the rest of us can look forward to four years of teeth-gnashing and caterwauling from Obama and Hillary’s dim-witted followers.  We, the people, have seized back the reins, and tonight the White House won’t be lit up in rainbow colors, but in the colors of the good ol’ Red, White, and Blue!

Obama–The Stink That Just Won’t Go Away

December 14, 2016


Like a turd circling the bowl, only far more odorous, President Obama is using his last vestige of relevance traipsing about the country trying to delegitimize Donald Trump’s election and getting his final kicks in on the country he has spent the last eight years criticizing and running into the ground.  This is the perfect bookend to the apology tour with which Obama opened his feckless presidency, and a fitting coda for a man whose strongest attributes were always his ability to whine, blame others, and make everything a racial issue.

Alas, even the most stubborn excrement is eventually washed off the back of the bowl, and that is precisely what is happening to Obama as he and his legacy are soon to be flushed, trounced at the polls and utterly repudiated by the people who, you know, actually work for a living.  That Trump is the one doing the flushing has the lame duck and his crybaby followers apoplectic.  It’s beautiful to watch!

Obama’s latest broadside against the people he is supposed to represent was on florid display during his interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show where our constituency-hating president intoned that the US has, “by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism.”  This comes as no surprise from a president who has spent his entire tenure fomenting division where there once was none, assailing law enforcement, and empowering racist hate groups like Black Lives Matter.

Obama, like most Democrats, is adept at pointing the finger everywhere but at himself, but the irony surely can’t be lost on anyone that five weeks after the election the progressive losers still aren’t able to figure out why they lost.  Obama and Noah, a couple of haughty navel-gazers, neither born in the US, spent the entire interview stroking their chins and dumping on the country kind enough to take them in, oblivious that we the people have tired of the left’s race-baiting, PC culture, and absolute intolerance toward any who don’t bray the party message.

But rest well, folks.  In 37 days, the pestilence that is Obama and the Democrats will be expunged from the Oval Office and, at last, our long national nightmare will be over.  And won’t it be nice to see someone running the country who, you know, actually likes the country and its people?

Like A Virgin?? Hardly!

October 20, 2016

So foul-mouthed slut and perennial skank Madonna has injected herself into this tawdry presidential election by announcing during a Madison Square Garden event that, “If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blowjob.”  “And I’m good,” the 58-year old has-been continued, “I’m not a tool.  I take my time.”  Perhaps not enough time to do it right, however, as the slatternly strumpet has been unable to hold on to two husbands and has been ditched more times than a poor driver on icy roads.  Nevertheless, one can almost hear Hillary’s lecherous pedophile husband gleefully revving up the jet engines for the Garden at the prospect of a whore like Madonna entering the Clinton camp—“Stronger Together,” indeed.

Since Hillary long ago abdicated conjugal relations with Slick Willy to White House interns and underage girls, she no doubt welcomes someone as vile as she to service the withering, amoral ex-president.  This frees her to spend more time muff-diving Huma Abedin, who has her own hands full trying to distance herself from Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner, her repugnant ex-congressman husband who is currently trying to parry criminal charges for sexting underage girls (do you see a theme here?) with his infant child present.  They’re a real bunch of class acts these degenerate Democrats who have spent the last two weeks feigning indignation that Donald Trump engaged in locker room badinage eleven years ago during a private conversation.

But, alas, Slick Willy may be disappointed to discover that Democrats don’t keep their promises, so the infelicitously named Madonna may not be guzzling the ex-prez’s AIDS-infected jizz after all.  No word yet on if Michelle Obama has been shaken to her core.

A Black Eye for the Dems

August 8, 2010


Will wonders never cease? It appears Democrats have found a moral compass at long last, making a statement condemning Senate nominee Alvin Greene, the surprise winner of the South Carolina Democratic primary, who was indicted Friday on obscenity charges. The state’s Democratic Party Chair Carol Fowler issued a statement urging Greene to reconsider his candidacy.

“In June, I asked Mr. Greene to withdraw his candidacy because of the charges against him. Following today’s indictments, I repeat that request,” Fowler said.

“It will be impossible for Mr. Greene to address his legal issues and run a statewide campaign. The indictment renews concerns that Mr. Greene cannot represent the values of the Democratic Party or South Carolina voters.”

It’s a real shame that the Democrats can’t find the same antipathy toward career criminals Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters who are allowed to continue in Congress despite the gaggle of legal issues mounting against them. “Innocent until proven guilty” and “Let the system work” are the mantras. Apparently the standards are different if you’re a barely literate life-long failure, but more importantly, one with little chance to win in November.

I, frankly, can’t see what the problem is. I seem to recall a politician who faced similar allegations some years ago, and not only did the Democratic party stand by him, but he was, and still is, the face of the party and a hero to the left. His name was Bill Clinton. God, I hope Greene wins!!