Obama is Too Big To Fail



March 19, 2009


Is the honeymoon over yet? Can we all finally admit that a mere two months into his term, Barack’s administration is every bit as conniving, irresponsible, deceitful, shameless, arrogant, greedy, devious, carnivorous, treacherous, and calculating as George Bush’s ever was?


The entire country is crumbling from within, and Obama’s team members are busy covering their tails about the ever-growing AIG scandal as they’ve all been exposed as liars, even as they continue to dole out our money to select pork projects and friends on Wall Street. If the phrase hadn’t been outlawed, we could have them labeled as “enemy combatants”?


So much for change.


We are on the verge of real revolution here, folks. People are furious, and sweeping reforms need to be made, and where is the Messiah through all this chaos? He’s filling out his NCAA hoops bracket on ESPN and cracking wise with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show. This man is a serious egomaniac and all you Obama voters were had. His ascendancy to the presidency was built on an everyman’s appeal that soon morphed into hero worship, and was sped along by a fawning media that refused to ask the tough questions and failed to understand that a lawyer raised in Chicago politics could in no possible way be honest.


But what is alarming is how much this guy loves himself. Watching him on Leno was terrifying. I firmly believe his only desire for the presidency was rooted in self-gratification and his need for attention and adulation. He has no interest in the people beyond how much they’ll genuflect at his feet. Not that this is unusual for politicians, but it’s telling that whenever someone asks him what it’s like to be president, he immediately mentions the perks. On Leno, he talked about how cool it was to wear his jacket with the presidential logo on Air Force One. Virtually every time I see him speak, he mentions the Secret Service, so we all know how important he is. We are, after all, talking about a man so impressed with himself that he wrote two autobiographies by the age of forty-five when no one had heard of him save the handful of politically aware Americans that watched his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic convention.


This guy would be an empty suit if it weren’t for his puffed chest, but everyone is still enthralled. The media is his biggest enabler. Last night on the Hannity show, Phil Donahue gushed that, “His smile could save us all.” Even Obama’s wife is getting in on the act. Two weeks ago CNN’s Jack Cafferty wrote on the CNN website, “I think I am developing a crush on America’s First Lady. Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He’s good, but she’s utterly fascinating.” And, of course, we all remember Chris Matthews’ man-crush on the Messiah when upon hearing an Obama speech he spurted, “I felt this thrill going up my leg.”


Well it’s time for the pretty boy to roll up his sleeves and get to work instead of gallivanting across the countryside having his ass kissed. Taxpayer money is flying out of the vault while Congress berates Wall Street executives for legislation that Congress passed, and Barack is turning a blind eye to all the corruption among his crew. Remember when bills were going to be put online for five days before being voted on, so the American people could have a look at them? That promise, like all the others, went the way of the horse and buggy once the Messiah secured his fiefdom.


This man is dangerous, but the American media won’t take him to task. They have too much invested. And Obama is too big to fail.

There May Be HOPE, After All, For Obama

February 3, 2009


Well you can knock me over with a feather! Our new president may actually have some substance behind all the hot air he’s been blowing for the past several years. His admission that Tom Daschle was a bad nomination, and that it sent a bad message, is my first ray of hope (that word again!) that Obama may actually be trying to change the culture of Washington, even if his hand was forced.


Obama admitted to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “I don’t want to send a message to the American people that there are two sets of standards, one for powerful people, and one for ordinary folks who are working every day and paying their taxes.” In so doing, Obama has become the very first politician I can ever recall taking responsibility for anything that didn’t involve self-aggrandizement. Hats off to the new prez!


Now I’m not naïve enough to think that Obama doesn’t have an agenda, but as an American, I will pull for anyone–Democrat, Republican, or otherwise– if they are doing honest work and trying to flush Washington of the bloated and vile lifers that seem intent on spending forever at the public trough. (The Kennedys or Clintons, anyone?) If Obama remains true to his word, I’m in his corner….but I’m not holding my breath.

Obama Brings Chicago to the White House



January 30, 2009



There’s so much change going on in Washington right now that my head is spinning faster than Linda Blair’s at a revival meeting. Former Senator Tom Daschle, Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, is under fire for not paying over $140,000 in taxes for free use of a car and driver that was provided by a Democratic fundraiser. This is Obama’s second nominee to brush off his tax obligations in what is becoming a disturbing, if not utterly predictable, pattern.


It seems the tax and spenders can’t be bothered to dig into their own pockets, but they’re ready to stick it to you and me. Obama administration officials called Daschle’s skullduggery “a stupid mistake,” and decided Daschle should not be penalized because he had discovered the tax liability himself and brought it to the attention of the Finance Committee, which is vetting his nomination. Daschle said he realized in June 2008 that he might have a tax problem.


This doesn’t pass the laugh test, even for the odious cesspool that is Washington. Daschle’s “stupid mistake” took place over a period of four years, making them “stupid mistakes”…plural. So this wasn’t any oversight, but rather an ongoing criminal enterprise as they say in the racketeering game. Daschle would have us believe that he spends his free time combing over old tax records just to make sure he’s paying his fair share—how else to explain his sudden discovery that he’d made a “stupid mistake.”


It turns out Daschle is a two-sport athlete. He has spent the last four years doing lobbying work for K Street law firm Alston & Bird, where he received generous remuneration (can you say millions?) from the insurance companies and health care providers he will be charged with policing should he be confirmed. That makes two tax cheats and two lobbyists among Obama’s nominees. And the night is still young.


Daschle has been a long-time confidant of Obama’s, just another one of the Messiah’s “guys on the block”—those close acquaintances that end up being indicted, going to jail, and generally abusing their power, with Obama apparently oblivious to it all. The more things change, the more they stay the same. But fret not, rumor has it Daschle has a deadly hook shot from the low block.

And Obama Sayeth…Let There Be a Stimulus Plan

January 28, 2009



Obama certainly does work in mysterious ways. A poll on CNN’s website this morning revealed that 61% of Americans support Premier Obama’s proposed $850 billion “stimulus plan”, that cruel hoax soon to be played on the American people. History has shown time and time again that stimulus packages don’t work, but the American people are perfectly content to throw good money after bad as long as it’s the Messiah doing the selling. H.L. Mencken said that no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public….he had no idea. He also said “Democracy is the worship of jackals by jackasses,” but I digress.


When Henry Paulson first started grabbing with both hands back in September, there was a hue and cry across the nation as fed-up citizens took to the streets and e-mailed their Congressmen to prevent this blatant theft of taxpayer money. “George Bush, Republicans, and greedy Wall Street types are robbing us blind,” the citizens cried. By margins of 80-20 and as high as 90-10, the people rightly opposed the bailout. And their anger was well-placed, though not nearly as widespread as it should have been.


Wall Street, “W”, and all the usual suspects were HUGELY complicit, but few cared to think that there were actually some Democrats that might be responsible as well. While Republicans were raked over the coals, few cared to listen that Christopher Dodd (he of the triple chin and the sweetheart loans), Maxine Waters (serial violator of the Federal law prohibiting nepotism), Barney Frank (who seems to think that because he likes it in the ass, so do the rest of us), and Obama cronies Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson were equally, if not more culpable, than the Republicans. Few cared to listen that it was the Community Reinvestment Act, signed into law by Jimmy Carter, and further strengthened by Bill Clinton in 1995, that set America down its current path.


As a former real estate agent, I know first-hand the insidiousness of the CRE. At our weekly meetings, the first priority was ALWAYS, “Don’t get sued! Don’t redline! EVERYONE gets a loan!” The sins of the father are now being visited upon the rest of us, and we, the sheep, play right along. We can’t wait to give more money to the very people who created this mess in the first place.


Obama has been making noise about delaying the nationwide conversion to digital TV, with the argument that many American citizens aren’t prepared for this overhaul. Why this conversion should be subsidized by the government is a rant for another day, but Obama’s intent should be closely scrutinized—like Hitler at Munich, he relies on the glassy-eyed masses, this time in front of their idiot boxes, to get his message across. Sadly, no one in the media calls him on it. Even more sadly, we, the people, are the ones who pay in the end.