Obama is Too Big To Fail



March 19, 2009


Is the honeymoon over yet? Can we all finally admit that a mere two months into his term, Barack’s administration is every bit as conniving, irresponsible, deceitful, shameless, arrogant, greedy, devious, carnivorous, treacherous, and calculating as George Bush’s ever was?


The entire country is crumbling from within, and Obama’s team members are busy covering their tails about the ever-growing AIG scandal as they’ve all been exposed as liars, even as they continue to dole out our money to select pork projects and friends on Wall Street. If the phrase hadn’t been outlawed, we could have them labeled as “enemy combatants”?


So much for change.


We are on the verge of real revolution here, folks. People are furious, and sweeping reforms need to be made, and where is the Messiah through all this chaos? He’s filling out his NCAA hoops bracket on ESPN and cracking wise with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show. This man is a serious egomaniac and all you Obama voters were had. His ascendancy to the presidency was built on an everyman’s appeal that soon morphed into hero worship, and was sped along by a fawning media that refused to ask the tough questions and failed to understand that a lawyer raised in Chicago politics could in no possible way be honest.


But what is alarming is how much this guy loves himself. Watching him on Leno was terrifying. I firmly believe his only desire for the presidency was rooted in self-gratification and his need for attention and adulation. He has no interest in the people beyond how much they’ll genuflect at his feet. Not that this is unusual for politicians, but it’s telling that whenever someone asks him what it’s like to be president, he immediately mentions the perks. On Leno, he talked about how cool it was to wear his jacket with the presidential logo on Air Force One. Virtually every time I see him speak, he mentions the Secret Service, so we all know how important he is. We are, after all, talking about a man so impressed with himself that he wrote two autobiographies by the age of forty-five when no one had heard of him save the handful of politically aware Americans that watched his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic convention.


This guy would be an empty suit if it weren’t for his puffed chest, but everyone is still enthralled. The media is his biggest enabler. Last night on the Hannity show, Phil Donahue gushed that, “His smile could save us all.” Even Obama’s wife is getting in on the act. Two weeks ago CNN’s Jack Cafferty wrote on the CNN website, “I think I am developing a crush on America’s First Lady. Michelle Obama is more compelling than her husband. He’s good, but she’s utterly fascinating.” And, of course, we all remember Chris Matthews’ man-crush on the Messiah when upon hearing an Obama speech he spurted, “I felt this thrill going up my leg.”


Well it’s time for the pretty boy to roll up his sleeves and get to work instead of gallivanting across the countryside having his ass kissed. Taxpayer money is flying out of the vault while Congress berates Wall Street executives for legislation that Congress passed, and Barack is turning a blind eye to all the corruption among his crew. Remember when bills were going to be put online for five days before being voted on, so the American people could have a look at them? That promise, like all the others, went the way of the horse and buggy once the Messiah secured his fiefdom.


This man is dangerous, but the American media won’t take him to task. They have too much invested. And Obama is too big to fail.

In Defense of Michael Phelps



February 4, 2009


So the media has found its quarry, and is now doing what it does best: tearing down the very heroes they created, fawned over, and exalted to Brobdingnagian stature. The sanctimonious media which tanked, in all its white guilt, to ensure we have a black president, are now finding moral compass in assassinating the character of a hugely successful, likable, and driven 23-year old who happened to enjoy a few tokes of the good herb at a South Carolina frat party.


These sportswriters (and I use the term “writer” loosely)—you know, the ones who charge their papers for 3-martini lunches and hoard the free liquor in the press box—are wringing their hands about the coming end of the world as we know it because Michael Phelps indulged in something any normal 23-year old should indulge in.


Never mind that Phelps works harder in one day than these fat louts work in their entire lives; in their minds, Phelps signals the beginning of the end. Phelps is a role model they cry…but Charles Barkley disabused us of any such notions years ago, and in a world where nudity, violence, and misogyny are the Holy Trinity of pop culture, it’s laughable that Phelps is being pilloried as he is.


The very language used by the vast majority of the writers is indicative of how ignorant they are about a subject of which they shoot their mouths off. Virtually every piece I read on the topic referred to Phelps smoking a “bong pipe.” NO ONE…and I mean NO ONE says “bong pipe.” You smoke out of a bong, or you smoke out of a pipe, NO ONE smokes out of a “bong pipe.” But when have journalists ever let their ignorance stand in the way of a good story?


Jemele Hill, the race-baiting writer for ESPN, who was suspended last year for making an ill-advised reference to Adolf Hitler in one of her columns, was on ESPN in recent days, lecturing Phelps about his indiscretions, and of course, pointing out how much money he will lose in endorsements. I find it curious how all the pious media always translate everything into dollars and cents—as if the set-for-life Phelps will really be hurt by a few lost endorsements. Hill, who will accomplish far less in her life than Phelps has already accomplished in his, has the temerity to tell the Olympian how he should be spending his free time. I can’t wait for her tutorial for Tiger Woods on how to hit a 175-yard cut shot.


And Pat Forde, another ESPN hack, writes in one of his pieces how his impressionable progeny, budding young swimmers they, have seen their world affected by this “crashing news.” Forde trots out all the bromides about role-models and obligations, never realizing that Phelps’ influence is minimal and has slipped through the cracks in a youth culture dominated by luminaries like Fifty Cent, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, and rapist Kobe Bryant. He doesn’t even see the irony in the fact that today’s children wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything of a physical nature if it involved anything more than pulling themselves from in front of their computers or idiot boxes to waddle their corpulent asses to the fridge.


Phelps is a 14-time gold medal-winner who is by all accounts a hard-worker (DUH!!), generous, and a respectful young man. He is free to come out my way anytime to smoke some of the good California medicinal…perhaps the perfect prescription for the uptight, self-righteous media members now standing in line to tear down the monster they created.