Hawaiian Haole Hellhole

August 28, 2023

Because I do so love to see liberals choke on the shit sandwich they force on the rest of us, it was with particular glee that I watched a liberal Maui wildfire victim castigate the Maui County Council for their criminal negligence during the Lahaina conflagration.  “She was a liberal, you say?  How can you tell?”  Well it was easy really…Christine Borge is her name, and she has all the symptoms and earmarks that define that feral species–wild gesticulations, overt racism, glaring contradictions, failure to identify the real problem, and of course, physical unattractiveness.  I waffled for a moment, I must confess, when I didn’t see a face diaper, but when she led her diatribe with a screed about cultural insensitivity, the darkness of her skin, and the evil mainlanders, I knew I had bagged a real live liberal.

Borge continues to remonstrate about being a “forced American, not a proud American,” while all the time begging for largesse from the very country she hates.  The typical dim liberal, Borge blames it all on whitey while continuing to vote for the big government that didn’t just allow, but actually created, the havoc and deathscape that has engulfed the beautiful island.

Now, predictably, Borge is being painted as a sympathetic figure by conservative news outlets eager to blame the chaos, and rightfully so, on the entirely-Democrat Lahaina, Maui, and state governments behind the fiasco.  I first encountered the Borge video on a conservative website, but was only shown a 54-second clip where she gores the proper ox…that is the feckless bureaucrats with (D) next to their names.  But since I trust NO ONE on ANYTHING, I did some research and found a 5-minute clip of her entire rant.  It was here I discovered that she was a bigot whining about aid workers whom she claimed regarded her and fellow victims “like leprosy people…in our dark skin.”  Lesson #1:  NEVER TRUST THE MEDIA, WHATEVER SIDE THEY CLAIM TO BE ON.  Lesson #2: It’s always the people bitching about race that are the biggest racists.

Borge goes on to vilify “people from the mainland who are culturally insensitive,” and then foments more division by asking, “Who is it benefitting, us or America?”  Us or America?  Ponder that one for a moment.

But since she is a card-carrying liberal, bereft of any abstract thought or self-awareness, Borge tells the very same people she hates to come to the island and spend money since she, as a hospitality worker, needs them.  “Tourists…come.  We love you.  We have Aloha.  You gave us money through donations.  We’re not saying don’t come.  Come…because you will be helping us.”  But she doesn’t want to be American and she hates haole.  Got it.

Since no teachable liberal moment is complete without stultifying stupidity, Borge pisses and moans about the emerging notion of Maui being used as a satellite city—the Bill Gates and NWO-inspired serfdoms where the elite and filthy-rich like Barack, Big Mike, Jeff Bezos, and fat ass Oprah can lord on their own private paradises without having to muck about with the peasantry.  Yet it’s the aforementioned scumbags and Democrat politicians whom Borge votes for that are pushing the satellite city concept.  And she still voted for those very people.

But how, you might wonder, do I really know that Christine Borge voted for Democrats?  Again, it was really easy.  Hawaii has a Democrat governor, two Democrat senators, two out of two Democrat representatives in the House, and voted for Joe Biden at a 63% clip in 2020.  In the 16 presidential elections since attaining statehood in 1959, Hawaii has voted 14 times for Democrats, the only two outliers being the landslide victories of Nixon and Reagan.  Hometown hero Barack Obama, who has been notable for his absence during this debacle, was elected at over 70% both times he ran.

Furthermore, Maui’s despicable mayor, Richard Bissen, and all his toadies, are Democrats.  Now since I use practical math and not COVID math, laws of probability say that old Christine pulls the (D) lever every four years with nary a single thought, and then probably tosses in a couple mail-in ballots for good measure.

I never thought I could delight in the misery of others, and I’ve always welcomed opposing viewpoints, but when those viewpoints are always delivered with such venom and smugness, I feel no shame in dancing on some graves.  Lap it up, Christine, you voted for it.

Election Day Provides Forum for Americans to Display Their Stupidity…Again!

November 3, 2010




I should have known better. I really should have known better. I went to the polls yesterday buoyed by the thought that this might really be the day. Fed up with the entire political process, I had not voted in 26 years, my own form of protest to a rigged game orchestrated by a handful of insiders. But this election, I was convinced, would be different. Inspired by the Tea Party movement, the rallies in Washington, and widespread anger at town hall meetings across the country, I registered to vote and actually believed that this election would be the turning point. I thought this would be the moment where the American people would finally have the balls to pull a third-party lever and sweep out the entrenched life-long politicians who have run this county into the ground.


Alas, as is so often the case, I came away disappointed. Nothing has changed; the American people are as stupid as ever. We are, after all, talking about a country that made Friends and Cheers the most watched television shows for years on end, a country that actually pays money to go see Justin Bieber, a country that worships rapists like Kobe Bryant, and wife-beaters like Charlie Sheen and O.J., a country that goes along when “well-meaning” politicians ban cigarettes and trans fats.


Knowing all that, I suppose I should have suppressed my pie-in-the-sky dreams, and sat this one out as well, because in the end, my vote didn’t matter. I refused to tally a vote for a single Democrat or Republican, instead confining my research to, and voting for, the best candidate among the Independents, Libertarians, and other various contenders.


But I was a cry in the wilderness. In my state of California, with two races too close to call, EVERY SINGLE incumbent in the House was re-elected. 49-0…simply staggering.   This tally includes Maxine Waters, a life-long leech of the system who is now under investigation for ethics violations; Nancy Pelosi…enough said; Barbara Boxer, a career politician who has been at the helm for much of the state’s slide into bankruptcy. But it gets better…the tree-huggers of this wonderful state also put Jerry Brown back into the governor’s mansion…the same Jerry Brown who started draining state coffers as governor years ago by doling out untenable pensions to anyone who could fog a mirror. His track record of abysmal failure is astonishing, but he’s good enough for California. So much for the peasant uprising.


It was this way all across the country. In New York, of the 27 House races decided, 23 were won by incumbents. Charles Rangel, perhaps the most corrupt man in Congress, won with 80% of the vote. Both the state’s incumbent Senators won handily.


Other luminaries being sent back for more pork are the illustrious Harry Reid, the vile John McCain, and our favorite–the bloated, lisping pig from Massachusetts by the name of Barney Frank, who has run male prostitute rings out of his home, but who, more importantly, almost single-handedly caused the housing crash with his nefarious machinations at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Two years ago, a fed-up American populace gave Republicans the heave-ho, but somehow they’ve become the saviors again, and in two more years, the cycle will repeat itself when the people realize the Republicans are still…well, Republicans. Nice work, America, now move along, Jersey Shore is about to come on.

There May Be HOPE, After All, For Obama

February 3, 2009


Well you can knock me over with a feather! Our new president may actually have some substance behind all the hot air he’s been blowing for the past several years. His admission that Tom Daschle was a bad nomination, and that it sent a bad message, is my first ray of hope (that word again!) that Obama may actually be trying to change the culture of Washington, even if his hand was forced.


Obama admitted to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “I don’t want to send a message to the American people that there are two sets of standards, one for powerful people, and one for ordinary folks who are working every day and paying their taxes.” In so doing, Obama has become the very first politician I can ever recall taking responsibility for anything that didn’t involve self-aggrandizement. Hats off to the new prez!


Now I’m not naïve enough to think that Obama doesn’t have an agenda, but as an American, I will pull for anyone–Democrat, Republican, or otherwise– if they are doing honest work and trying to flush Washington of the bloated and vile lifers that seem intent on spending forever at the public trough. (The Kennedys or Clintons, anyone?) If Obama remains true to his word, I’m in his corner….but I’m not holding my breath.