February 12, 2025

Every man has his price, so it’s said, and in the case of Brandel Chamblee, it would appear that price is a simple green fee and a round of golf with President Trump. Moral giant Brandel appears to have changed his tune regarding LIV and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) overnight after years of hand-wringing and sermonizing about the Middle East country’s human rights record.
Chamblee has taken to the Golf Channel airwaves nightly and lectured about his nobility and his utter abhorrence for the country that dirt-napped Muslim Brotherhood terrorist scum Jamal Khashoggi in a Turkish embassy in 2018. But with the return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office, Chamblee, who surely shits ice cream, has finally discovered where his bread is soon to be buttered and has now morphed into the spineless and compliant hypocrite most of us knew he was all along. Trump has been rumored to be involved in talks between PIF and the PGA Tour intended to mend the chasm in professional golf, and with his notable dexterity in “The Art of the Deal”, many say his involvement will soon bring and end to the impasse.
The next step in negotiations is for Chamblee’s slurp buddy Eamon “Bonesaw” Lynch to knuckle under to the larger-than-life President, and too, become a whimpering dog like Chamblee—both men avatars of moral righteousness until their paychecks are threatened. You see, with an eventual merger of PIF and the Tour, Chamblee and Lynch will essentially be accepting payment from the very entity that they have described with nothing less than bitter contempt for the last several years.
Lynch, in particular, must be gnashing his teeth at the thought that his false piety is now threatened by the man he takes gratuitous and unfounded jabs at in every piece he writes. That would be the man who won the popular vote and an Electoral College landslide to again become President after having the election stolen from him in 2020.
But the Tour is nothing if not flush with money-grubbing hypocrites, so, of course, insufferable windbag Rory McIlroy, who never met a topic he couldn’t be wrong about, had to do another of his numerous about-faces, this time in regards to President Trump. When asked if he thought Trump could facilitate a deal to unite the golf world, McIlroy exclaimed, “He might be able to! He’s got Elon Musk, who I think is the smartest man in the world beside him, so he might be able to do something if we can get Musk involved too.” As if Trump became the top real estate mogul on the globe and eventually leader of the free world by the grace of Elon Musk.
McIlroy played a round of golf with Trump a few years back and described his experience thusly:
“I’ll sit here and say the day that I did spend with him and others was very enjoyable. He’s very charismatic, he was nice to everyone—it didn’t matter whether you were me or the guys in the cart barn or the pro at the golf club. He has something. He obviously has something or he wouldn’t be in the White House, right? He has something—whatever it is, an X factor, charisma, whatever. Most people that he came across that day he was cordial to; he was nice and personable. That was my only interaction with him the day I had with him.”
McIlroy then went on to say he would never play with Trump again because, you know, “Orange Man bad.” McIlroy is another dim one incapable of thought outside his social-media saturated iPhone, but if Orange Man can put a few green bills in his pocket, he’s all on board.
One suspects that if Chamblee, Lynch, and McIlroy were gifted a free round of golf with Hitler—the real one, not the one conjured by the mendacious media in the form of Donald Trump—they could be found goose-stepping from hole to hole, gleefully swapping their soft spikes for jackboots.