Destroyed From Within

August 14, 2010


Ahh, the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. The culturally aware and broad-minded among us are beside themselves now that our Muslim president has weighed in on the New York City “community center” issue and given the project his endorsement. This is a victory for religious freedom and tolerance they cry, tickled pink that followers of the most peaceful religion on earth can now spit in the eye of the thousands of Americans who lost their lives on 9/11. The people supporting the mosque and religious freedom are the same people that foam at the mouth at the thought of allowing the phrase “under God” to be used during the pledge of allegiance, but I digress.

Just to be clear, I do believe Muslims have the right to build the edifice because unlike the dissemblers supporting the mosque in the name of the 1st amendment—you know, the very same people who would have us do away with the 2nd amendment yesterday—I do believe in the letter of the law. But it’s hard to reconcile the decision to build with the notion that Muslims are simply trying to foster unity and understanding among all religions.

Muslims are notorious for their intolerance of others:

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives,” (Surah XLVII.4) it says in the Koran.

Indeed, in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Christians are not allowed to openly practice their faith and are not allowed to even enter the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The penalty for Muslims that convert to other religions is death. Toss in the virulent hatred Muslims have for women and gays, and the rosy picture is complete.

Certainly in the United States we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard in allowing opposing viewpoints, however distasteful they may be, but it’s curious that the people who decry intolerance are forever supporting the avatars of intolerance, and in our efforts to appease all, we are letting our own standards erode and slip away. The biggest floods begin with a trickle, and at what point do we stop allowing other countries’ cultures, ideas, and religions to overwhelm and supplant our own? A judge in New Jersey recently ruled that a Muslim man accused of repeatedly raping his wife was committing no crime because under the Shariah law of Islam, this behavior was permitted. The ruling was later overturned, but the thought that an American judge could make such a ruling in the first place is shocking.

There was a recent episode in Dearborn, Michigan—where a huge concentration of Muslims reside—in which four Christians were arrested for distributing Christian literature outside a Muslim festival. The men arrested were on public property at the time, but they were trucked off to jail anyway. Such is the way of the insidious and slippery slope, but in the name of political correctness, we continue to back down. Ask Europe how backing down to the Muslims is working out for them…ask Salman Rushdie if he thinks Muslims are tolerant—or for that matter, ask a Danish cartoonist.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, the American public’s detestation of George Bush gave a free pass to Obama, who has moved in the shadows his whole life, consorting with the “Hate America” crowd and refusing to disclose college transcripts, medical records, and birth certificates. It’s a popular notion that America will be destroyed from within…it’s happening as we speak…and our president is the most glaring manifestation.

A Black Eye for the Dems

August 8, 2010


Will wonders never cease? It appears Democrats have found a moral compass at long last, making a statement condemning Senate nominee Alvin Greene, the surprise winner of the South Carolina Democratic primary, who was indicted Friday on obscenity charges. The state’s Democratic Party Chair Carol Fowler issued a statement urging Greene to reconsider his candidacy.

“In June, I asked Mr. Greene to withdraw his candidacy because of the charges against him. Following today’s indictments, I repeat that request,” Fowler said.

“It will be impossible for Mr. Greene to address his legal issues and run a statewide campaign. The indictment renews concerns that Mr. Greene cannot represent the values of the Democratic Party or South Carolina voters.”

It’s a real shame that the Democrats can’t find the same antipathy toward career criminals Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters who are allowed to continue in Congress despite the gaggle of legal issues mounting against them. “Innocent until proven guilty” and “Let the system work” are the mantras. Apparently the standards are different if you’re a barely literate life-long failure, but more importantly, one with little chance to win in November.

I, frankly, can’t see what the problem is. I seem to recall a politician who faced similar allegations some years ago, and not only did the Democratic party stand by him, but he was, and still is, the face of the party and a hero to the left. His name was Bill Clinton. God, I hope Greene wins!!

Voters!! We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Voters!!



August 7, 2010


It’s rather alarming how the will of the American people is continually being subverted by arrogant judges and bloated politicians who think their conscience (or rather the interests of those who have bought them) should trump the democratic process. U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled this week that Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex marriage, is unconstitutional, and so same-sex marriages should be allowed. This is all fine and dandy—I don’t care who marries whom—but there’s one burr under the saddle in this whole drama…the people of California VOTED IN FAVOR of the proposition.

Now you can point out the hypocrisy of the “enlightened” and “tolerant” California voter who decides that he’s liberal until there’s something he doesn’t want to tolerate, but at the end of the day, shouldn’t the peoples’ vote count for something? There’s a very troubling mentality in this country that extends from local government all the way to the White House…that voters simply don’t matter and that a core of pompous elites should decide what’s right for the rest of us. Note the terrifying rationale of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger when remarking on Judge Walker’s ruling: “The Administration believes the public interest is best served by permitting the Court’s judgment to go into effect, thereby restoring the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.” In other words, the public interest is best served by ignoring the public interest—their votes.

Jerry Brown, former governor, and current Democratic nominee in the 2010 governor’s race had this to say, “As this Court has concluded that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional, the public interest weighs against its continued enforcement.” Again with the public interest. George Orwell must feel as if his tomb is a swing head centrifuge.

Where is this all going to end? Well certainly not at the federal level with the chosen one running roughshod over the voters’ wishes. Over two-thirds of Americans didn’t want Obama’s health care plan to pass, so the leader of the most transparent administration in history cut a bunch of backroom deals to ensure its passage. Voters in Arizona, who are being overrun by illegal infestation, decided to take matters in their own hands and approved SB 1070, and now they have to endure a costly lawsuit filed by Barack and his henchmen who somehow feel it’s proper to sue to overturn a legal vote, but can’t seem to find the time to prosecute thugs with billy clubs who intimidated voters during the presidential election.

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Indeed. Rest well, George.

Only McCain Can Make Me Thank the Lord for Obama

August 3, 2010



I was watching John McCain blather last night during an interview with Greta Van Susteren and had to marvel at a particular distinction that the automaton holds that no other does…he is the ONLY person I would less rather see in the White House than the current disaster now occupying that residence. He drones and drones without providing any illumination beyond the bromides he’s heard from others and which he parrots in stultifying fashion. A bigger problem still is that he lies through his teeth, hardly maverick behavior in a Senatorial body shot through with liars.


McCain would have people believe that he has favored sealing Arizona’s borders all along, when in fact, during his presidential campaign, he pandered to Latino voters with promises of “comprehensive immigration reform”—code for allowing illegals to gain citizenship. He was opposed to building fences or fortifying the borders then, but now as public sentiment grows for SB 1070, he is castigating Obama for not doing enough to protect the borders.


McCain misses no opportunity to bash the chosen one on his economic policies as well, forever talking about how the president is “mortgaging our children’s futures” with the seemingly endless series of stimulus bills that have failed miserably. McCain is now trying to wash his hands of his massive role in the original TARP bill which propped up failing Wall Street crooks, and for which McCain famously interrupted his presidential campaign to support. At the time he proclaimed that he was returning to Washington to do the peoples’ work. What a tool!!


But his nattering about “mortgaging our children’s futures” does raise an interesting thought. Why should we care about our children’s futures? We’re talking about a generation of kids whose interest in the world doesn’t extend beyond Lindsay Lohan and Lady Gaga, and frankly they’re getting what they deserve. It was largely this generation of knuckleheads that put Obama and his attendant socialist policies in office because they thought it would be hip to have a black president. Now they’re the same ones marching on California college campuses, protesting tuition hikes because the well has run dry after years and years of policies not unlike Obama’s. As Reverend Wright would say, “The chickens have come home to roost.”

Sports Announcers, Like Their Hard News Brethren, Struggle With the Truth

August 2, 2010


When a witness testifies in a court of law he swears to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” This is because jurists of yore realized long ago that telling partial truths can be, and often is, every bit as much a falsehood as telling a flat-out lie. Saying that someone shot at you without disclosing that you shot at him first may be technically true, but is certainly not the whole truth. This failure to disclose has become standard operating procedure in the world of sports broadcasting. In order to drive ratings, announcers whore the product to ludicrous and sickening lengths.


This weekend, while broadcasting the Greenbrier Classic of the PGA Tour, CBS’s Jim Nantz was the pimp. I used to consider Nantz an able broadcaster and thought of him favorably until a few years ago at the Masters when he told me that it was a lovely day at Augusta and so implored me to “watch with a loved one.” Such saccharine palaver has now become a Nantz staple and this weekend was no exception. Nantz spent so much time sucking on D.A. Points’ shaft it was a wonder this middling golfer was able to pull his clubs out of the bag.


Points flirted with shooting a 59 on Saturday, and the CBS coverage was over-the-top, to say the least. The cameras lingered on Points ad nauseum even after he bogeyed the seventeenth hole to end any hopes he may have had to fire the magical number. Points did his part by playing slower than Jim Furyk on Quaaludes and milking every moment with over-exaggerated gestures for the cameras. Still Nantz and his fellow panderers–including perennial prick turned affable announcer Nick Faldo–gushed about this historic moment. What they downplayed, like all the talking heads on sports talk shows who dared not ruin this special moment with the facts, is that par on the Greenbrier course is 70…not 72, not even 71, but 70!! Thus a 59 is only 11-under…excellent to be sure, but a far cry from the 59’s shot by Al Geiberger, Chip Beck, and David Duval on par-72 courses. Moreover, a 59 on this course, this week, was almost pedestrian. J.B. Holmes had come close earlier in the day by shooting a 60, and indeed, on Sunday, Stuart Appleby would win the tournament by shooting the hallowed 59 number. On short courses softened by rains, PGA Tour players are going to go low and Points’ run at 59 warranted about half the coverage it received.


Once Points was in the clubhouse, Nantz and the CBS team turned all its attentions to the winless Jeff Overton, finally showing a graphic titled “On a Run.” Overton’s “run” included a 2nd place finish, two 3rd place finishes and a missed cut in his last six events…he would eventually piss away a three-shot overnight lead…a budding Jack Nicklaus he. They also ignored Overton’s petulant behavior which included a loud “FUCK” after a mis-hit fairway wood and thrown clubs, transgressions that draw condemnation when performed by Tiger Woods, the ONLY current athlete that merits any gushing.


Unfortunately, Nantz isn’t the only offender. While watching a Detroit Tigers-Tampa Bay Rays game last week, the announcers (I’ve successfully forgotten their names) gushed about Miguel Cabrera’s ability and his chance to win the Triple Crown. Never mind that Cabrera was leading only one of the three categories necessary to win the award; the fact that he was at bat was enough for the announcers to wax poetic and show old videos of Carl Yastrzemski, baseball’s last Triple Crown winner. Why bother viewers with pesky facts when you can tailor the facts to fit your storyline??? Later in the broadcast these same buffoons rambled at length about the Hall of Fame prospects of Tiger centerfielder Johnny Damon. Damon, like all players of the era, has grossly inflated numbers due to the confluence of gutless, specialized pitchers, juiced baseballs, and juiced players, but the announcers ticked off Damon’s numbers like they have some relevance in this bastardized era in baseball’s storied history. So you understand, Johnny Damon is by NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stretch of the imagination a Hall of Famer, but the media machine has to keep the brain-dead, attention-challenged viewing public happy. Oh, by the way, Cabrera and Damon’s Tigers were no-hit that day.

Mosque of the Red Death

August 2, 2010



It would appear that the erection of a mosque—excuse me, a “community center”—near Ground Zero is all but a done deal, and don’t we all feel warm and fuzzy about how tolerant we are?? I understand the slippery slope in denying someone’s rights based on their religion, but I have to wonder when the United States is going to start playing to win. When a fundamental precept of your religion is to subjugate women and kill infidels—that is anyone who doesn’t agree with you—I’m not so sure you deserve protection under the law. And yes, I think all religions are for hypocrites and the feeble-minded, but why is it the United States that has to bend over backwards and capitulate EVERY time? It’s always we that have to demonstrate tolerance and sensitivity, while Muslims and their apologists aren’t expected to show any sensitivity to the families of the dead.


In the days after 9/11, there was a bunch of puffery about building a skyscraper 1776 feet in height to demonstrate that we wouldn’t let the terrorists win. Nine years later a mosque is to be built at the site where Muslim extremists killed thousands of Americans. This country is on the verge of politically correcting itself right out of existence; common sense has all but vanished. In another generation, we’ll all be speaking Arabic and Spanish, because let’s face it…immigrants no longer come to America to embrace us, but to exploit us.

Can’t Buy Me Love

June 8, 2010



I watched with bemusement last week as Paul McCartney, during his visit to our nation’s capital, made sarcastic remarks about George Bush’s intellect by implying he didn’t know what a library was. Now old “W” is no mental giant to be sure, but I don’t think Sir Paul should be throwing stones. He was recently fleeced of nearly $50 million by a one-legged, gold-digging tramp—who’s the genius now, Paul??


Take into further account that one of those in attendance at the former Beatle’s White House fete thinks our country comprises fifty-seven states, and I’m surprised anyone in the room could remember to breathe. The lesson: It takes one to know one, and washed-up bassists should stick to what they know.

Tiger in the Tank

February 19, 2010


Well, it finally happened. Tiger Woods went down the road of all sniveling cowards this morning when he delivered the “heartfelt” apology that the media has been demanding for the past three months. Up to this point, I, like many others, had been disappointed by the golf great’s marital indiscretions, but I had at least held out hope that Woods would have the courage to continue delivering his hearty middle-finger salute to the media jackals insisting on an apology that NO ONE, outside his family and friends, is entitled to.


That Tiger would lower himself with such a charade is my biggest letdown of this entire tawdry affair. The man whose trademark has always been a confident swagger looked every bit like Sylvester Stallone trying to emote as he faked his way through the orchestrated dog and pony show with all the robotic sincerity of the Manchurian Candidate. Tiger spoke of core beliefs and spiritual awakenings, but there was plenty of time for soul-searching in the three-plus years that he was crossing the globe porking anyone that could fog a mirror. If you believe one of the dime-store sluts he was hooking up with, Woods was slipping the Jimmy to her while his wife was delivering one of their children. Seems like that may have been a good time to rethink his ways, but alas, it appears family wasn’t that important until endorsement contracts started drying up.


Tiger has more money than he will ever know what to do with, and if privacy and family were really his primary concern, he would have continued his silence and eventually returned to the golf course, sans sponsorship, and with the insistence that he would speak to the media only of golf. This morning’s statement looks like nothing more than a desperate act to recapture his adoring corporate sponsors, and for what? I, for one, thought he would at least announce when he would be making a return to golf, but absent that, what was the point? If he thinks the relentless media assault will be any less severe after today, he’s not as smart as we’ve all been giving him credit for. Until he answers questions outside of his controlled cocoon, the media savages will tear him limb to limb, and if, as many say, he is fulfilling some part of a “twelve-step program,” is this not the most insincere manner of doing so? Would it not be more appropriate to meet face-to-face with those he’s hurt and apologize from the heart?


Those who insist that Woods let down his sponsors and fans need to grow up and look in the mirror. A vast majority of the pious hypocrites calling for his hide have committed similar, if not worse, violations of their own marriages, and the argument that Woods marketed himself as a family man while reaping mega-contracts is only valid if we subject everyone to the same standard. Charlie Sheen and serial philanderer Michael Jordan appear in ads together selling underwear, even as Sheen appears in the tabloids seemingly every week for a sundry list of indiscretions including drug and alcohol abuse, and domestic violence, but I have yet to see anyone hold his feet to the fire. The list of bad people shilling products is endless, and it’s utterly despicable that some are holding Tiger to a higher standard than politicians who rape and pillage their constituency, teachers who sleep with their students, and priest who molest little boys.


Tiger committed no crimes (other than a speculative drunk-driving violation on Thanksgiving night), and owes nothing to the Pollyanas who still believe in Santa Claus or the media whores who spent the day gleefully ranking celebrity apologies and fretting that Woods hadn’t debased himself quite enough for their liking. Gloria Allred tried to cash in on the debacle by staging her own press conference this afternoon with her client– a weepy porn star, who insisted she was in love with Woods and was owed an apology–trouble is, I couldn’t tell which one was the whore.


I have always been a Tiger Woods fan, and I won’t pretend that I’m not going to watch him play when he returns, because despite his failings, he is simply beautiful to watch on a golf course. I only wish that he confined his entertainment value to that venue, and not slipped into the reality show miasma of the “celebrity apology.”

Dan Dierdorf Needs To Stuff It!

January 16, 2010




Well I have now seen it all. CBS’ Dan Dierdorf managed to announce the entire Colts/Ravens playoff game with a curious, but severe handicap…he spent the entire night with not one, but two penises stuffed in his mouth. Peyton Manning and Jim Caldwell should be well satisfied with their sacks fully drained as the former Hall of Fame lineman Dierdorf fellated both men with gusto continuously throughout the broadcast.


I’m not even certain Dierdorf watched the same game I did. He gushed and gushed and gushed again about how fresh the Colts looked in a feeble defense of head coach Caldwell’s gutless decision to lie down three weeks ago against the Jets, thereby forfeiting a wonderful opportunity to grab an undefeated season. Never mind that the Colts looked anything but dominant in squeaking out a win in a game that was much closer than the 20-3 score would indicate. Let there be no mistake; the Colts didn’t win this game, the Ravens lost it.


The “fresh” Colts averaged 1.7 yards on 25 carries, and their passing offense dinked and dunked all night, while the Ravens moved the ball on the ground at a 4.6 yard per carry clip and dominated both sides of the line of scrimmage. Manning was NOT sharp, missing receivers all night and being bailed out of two interceptions by an Ed Reed fumble, and an interference call (it’s the playoffs and Manning gets all the calls since he whined like a little bitch several years ago when the Patriots kicked his ass in Foxboro).


Were it not for the Ravens’ numerous penalties, fumbles, and dropped passes (and some wretched coaching from John Harbaugh just before the half), they cakewalk to a win. I understand that’s all part of the game, but to hear Dierdorf tell it, Caldwell single-handedly brought home the bacon by interrupting his menstrual cycle long enough to bring his team off the field against the Jets.


Then, once the game was over, Dierdorf finally guzzled down Caldwell’s load by intoning that the issue of the Colts quitting against the Jets was in the past and that Caldwell was vindicated. Dierdorf clearly doesn’t understand that there are two more wins to be had if Caldwell’s Colts want real vindication. And oh, by the way, Dan…the Colts could be 17-0 right now, on their way to perfection, and giving you abundant opportunity to pontificate further about the gutless one. Come to think of it…maybe Caldwell did us all a favor.

A-Rod the Nimrod

March 22, 2009


If you need the perfect example of unbridled hubris all you need to do is look at the cover of the most recent Details magazine. There you’ll see, in all his glory, Alex Rodriguez, the choke-artist third baseman for the Yankees, with his sleeves rolled up to reveal his steroid-enhanced, over-inflated biceps.


It would take a greater mind than mine to guess which is bigger, his arms or his ego. This, I suppose, is what passes for contrition in the world of baseball, where everyone lies until they’re busted, and players like Rodriguez, who come up small when it matters most, have a sense of entitlement to rival members of Congress. But A-Rod, who has always been faint of heart, be it with two runners on in the ninth, or while witnessing the birth of his child, has the balls to grace the Details cover–a mere month after being exposed for steroid use–thoroughly unashamed that the big numbers he has posted (albeit very few in post-season) came from a jar. Shame is clearly no consideration for a great guy who would dump his wife for a strumpet like Madonna.


But birds of a feather flock together, so the juicer and the lip-syncher should make beautiful music together. Rodriguez has always been hyper-sensitive to criticism, but this will be one year where he can’t claim he doesn’t like being needled.